Friday, December 30, 2005


Wow, where to start. I know its been a while and its amazing how much has changed since the last entry. Funny thing is, I wasn't expecting for anything to ever change. It was Novemeber 18th and Melanie at work asked if I wanted to go see Harry Potter with her, her boyfriend, and someone named Susan. I don't know why I said yes, because most of the time I would have said no, but this time I said yes. Might have been the best decision of my life. Susan is great. We sat there for 3 hours last night (actually 6 if you count the time we were watching West Wing) and held each other and watched the dvd screen saver bounce back and forth. I asked her if we are normal, she said defenitely not.

So we have been going out for just over a month and 2 weeks now. I don't know what to do with myself. I stayed over at her house until 2am last night knowing full well I had to be at work at 8am, yet I didn't care. I was there and wasn't going to leave. I remember looking at the clock and it was 10:41 and I said I was leaving at 11. 11 turned into 12, 12 turned into 1....LOL

She is unlike anyone I have ever met before. She is funny, cute, and quick witted all in one package. I think I actually love this girl. All I can think is why did it take me 32 years to finally find you? We are spending all night tonight and tomorrow night together with the agreement of no sex and no shacking up. So all is understood. I don't know how long I can wait until I actually ask her to get married. This is all very weird to me. I'm not use to ever feeling like this. What has she done to me????

Thursday, October 06, 2005

October 6th, 2005: Thursday

Aaah another day, and way too early!!!! I haven't had much sleep this entire week. I ended up spending all last weekend playing with my Tivo and I finally got it working!!! The process started Thursday and by the time Saturday came, I thought the Tivo was dead, but early Monday morning (2am), I finally pulled the first show off of it. There are some great and then a nice little program for video editing (to get rid of those pesky commercials easily) VideoRedo. So, I have been spending way too much time messing with setting up Season Passes, and exctracting the video off to a hard drive. Now the only thing is hard drive space. Must have more hard drive space!!! Especially if I want to start ripping my Dvds to hard drives.

Sha just popped over here. That was unusual. I might as well forget about that though....

I need to call Sharon!!!

I will type later.

(Listening to Linda Eder)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

September 29, 2005

Ok, I haven't done this in forever but I'm going to start again. It might only be once a week but I need to keep track of things more.

Well, I'm 32 now. Still hopelessly looking for someone. Sharon called 4 days after Hurricane Katrina hit as I was driving with Amanda to go eat. So we got to the restaurant and I was still talking to Sharon and I told her I would call her back. Well, that's been 3 weeks ago. I really do need to call her back. What am I afraid of? I haven't seen her for 14 years, so nothing should be expected. I should have never said anything about the way I felt about her in high school. It just wasn't work it. I know, I'm falling into my normal "pull away before you get too close" deal, but she is the one person I should not ever do that to. She knew me more than anyone else probably ever has. Unfortunately, that was 14 years ago. So we will see.

The trip to Disneyworld was great. I had a really good time, and I'm counting down again. I go back on November 26th, only 58 days away!!!! Once again, I can't wait. I'll probably spend way too much money again, but so be it. Its just green paper anyway.

Well, back to work for now. I'll type more tomorrow.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

March 25th, 2005: Saturday

What's On: The Practice (4th episode in a row)

So all day with Holley. This is driving me crazy. I wish we could be more soooo badly, but oh well. I guess I'll just enjoy spending time with her and nothing more. I just wish he didn't treat her like he does, not to mention Beth. Why can't he see how great she is? I guess he just doesn't see it, or doesn't want to see it. Beats me.

So anyway, that's it.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

March 24, 2005: Thursday

What's On: Sweet 16

Well, another couple of days without a post. Not doing as good as I'm suppose to...LOL

I spent most of the day with Holley again. I also spent most of last night with Holley. I had the day off because I'm having to work tomorrow...yuck. We headed out and went to McAllister's, then headed to Wal-Mart, then to CompUSA, and then back to Wal-Mart. We were looking for her a wireless router for cheap. That ended up being at CompUSA. So now she has internet throughout her house. We talked about everything and nothing like usual. She is perfect to me, but oh well. Nothing will ever become of this, so why do I care. Only 45 days until DisneyWorld though!!!! I"m ready to go now.

On the road to the Final 4.....

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

March 22nd, 2005 Tuesday

What's On: Nobody's Home, Avril Lavigne

Ok, ok, I didn't post again yesterday. Shame shame on me. I'm working nights this week and I ended up going over to Amanda's after I left work so I didn't get home until well after 1am. I got home, played one game of poker, won it, and went to bed 39 dollars richer...LOL

I had a lot of fun over at Amandas. Amanda, Jacquelyn, and myself all sat around just talking about crazy stuff while I helped Amanda with her computer. Amanda had on a skirt, which is a defenite change. I think its the first time I've ever seen her in a skirt. I helped her to find DVD43 and I also got her to install ITunes on her pc. If you don't have ITunes, you defenitely need to get it. Its the best software for keeping all those MP3s organized by far!!!

Then today Dr. G and I ended up at the capitol again to get our pictures taken...woohooo.

Besides that, I've been chatting with Beth over text message today. Crazy, I know, but that's my life.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

March 20, 2005 Sunday

What's On: "You and Me" Lifehouse

Ok, lets try this again. I've done this once today and for some reason it decided not to post. Aren't computers just great? I think the only reason I can work on computers for a living is because I don't let them get to me. Its funny watching some people at work get so mad at an object that has no feelings. I guess its not always easy to realize that with the way they act sometimes....LOL

Anyway, been a semi-interesting weekend. I went to the casino Friday to play blackjack but unfortunately there weren't any tables open so I ended up playing slots and losing 160 fun.

So Saturday I went to the movies with Amanda. I have so much fun with her. She is way too much like me. We watched "The Pacifier" which was a pretty funny movie. It had some lagging parts, but overall it was a good movie. 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.....LOL

I did go see Holley for a little while Friday night. She is still in pain and it was hard seeing her that way. I wanted to do something for her so bad, but there wasn't much I could do.

So I guess that's it for now. Until we meet again......